The Qliphothic Zodiac – Part three

A prayer to Adimiron

The following prayer has been used in Qliphothic Zodiac workings during the dominion of Adimiron, the Qliphoth of Taurus. 

To write these types of prayers based on personal Gnosis, directed towards each Legion of the Zodiac Princes, is a good way to focus the results of studies and meditative/contemplative work for each Zodiac sign and its Qliphothic counter-part, and a recommended addition to the Work for all practitioners who focus on these forces on a regular basis. 

In the name of Azerate I call upon the Bull-headed Dragons of the Qliphothic Zodiac, Adimiron the Bloody Ones!

Hear my Will o Mighty Princes of the Other Side, and bless me by gathering your Legions in my presence on this night of your strong influence and dominion!

I N.N., who have entered the Covenant of the Eleven Heads seek now to further enlink my Self to Sitra Achra through your Grace, so that your power may become reflected through me within and without, for the greater Good of our Holy Cause!

By the blood spilt and the life-force sacrificed, may the sympathetic elements constituting your ladder of ascent and descent be quickened, so that your sorcerous might can empower my Work and so add to the weakening of the demiurgic forces within and without, for the Glory of the Unknown God beyond and before all!

Mighty Adimiron, let me become your weapon now that you clash with your mirrored opposite whose archonic ruling strives to uphold the Tree of Lies, and may the nails that bind Spirit to matter so become further loosened, so that I by the Vav of Sitra Achra may conquer new thrones in your Holy Name and rise up against the enslaving forces governing the web of destiny meant to crucify me through the shortcomings in my personal horoscope!

By the power of the Great Intercessor and Pact-Maker Qayin Baal Berith I, who am of His Fiery Lineage call unto you Adimiron ha-Azerate, and ask you to identify my Will that is the spark of Spirit that ignites as the Black Flame, and bless me with your empowerments to bring illumination where possible and eradication to everything else, all in accordance with the Thoughtless Cause of Azerate el Acher, to which I have sworn my whole existence and beyond through the unbreakable Treaties and Covenants entered into in the presence of the Overseeing Wardens of our Current!

In the name of and for the cause of Azerate, come to me Mighty Adimiron and grant me a fraction of your boundless power so that I with your blessings may take further steps on the Path towards Liberation, and I shall let all my victories to come add to your endless Glory that forever shall dispel the influences of the blind and enslaved archons of this cursed creation, and by my own Becoming and Inner Alchemy I swear to forever act as a Liminal Point of Intrusion for all forces linked to your Essence to further aid in the Holy Cause that shall continue until nothing is and All is Nothing in the Unbound Fullness of Pleromatic Emptiness!

Karatnu Berith et-Maveth, V’im-Azerate Asinu Chozeh!

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