The Qliphothic Zodiac – Part One

This post is the first in a series dedicated to workings and contemplations on the Zodiac Princes of Sitra Achra, published here with the purpose to shed light on these forces and their role in the Great Work as seen from the perspective of students of the 218 Current.

This first part deals mostly with contemplations and the theoretical side of things while later parts will focus more on practical aspects.

Background and structuring of the practical work

My personal work with the Zodiac Princes of Sitra Achra started out during the time of Adimiron’s dominion which is equal to the Qliphoth of Taurus. This was done in the ”common fashion” of base and place work, employing the relevant elements as stated in the Book of Sitra Achra to establish the elemental ladder of ascent and descent. An initial pact was sealed in which I stated that I seek to enlink myself further to the Sitra Achra through Adimiron and asked for Spiritual guidance and inspiration upon the initiatoric Path.

One of the most immediate realizations, or insights received in Spirit, was that traditional astrology needed to be studied and understood thoroughly in order to be able to properly contemplate the nature of, and thus fully becoming more able to commune and work with the counteracting forces of the Other Side’s Zodiac.

When viewed from that perspective I understood that in order to deliberately work against (or manipulate towards my own ends) the cosmic currents of the Sephirothic Zodiac, the work can not be limited to the Qliphothic legions of ”only” one zodiacal sign, for example the ones who were in dominion at one’s time of birth, but instead all of them needs to be considered just like in an astrological chart, which is of course far from limited to the sign in which the Sun is placed at a specific point in time.

This in turn led to a new structuring of the work in which I placed focus upon the Qliphoth of each zodiac sign during their respective time of dominion, conducting specific workings connected to each Legion and establishing pacts with all of them, in a similar way as to how the work with the 11 + 1 Azerate pacts are done as per the descriptions given in The Book of Sitra Achra. The individual workings are planned in a way so that they are done during specifically auspicious times during each zodiacal period, through the study and employment of the art of electional astrology.

The virtues of Traditional Astrology

From my perspective, the nature and influence of the astrological forces imposed upon us can be met in two ways: one is to shield ourselves against their influences and the other is to manipulate the said influences in ways fitting for our own work and for our own ends.

From this perspective we understand and interpret the influences of the planets, but we are not obsessed about them in the same manner as many others are, so for us there is no need to shed tears because of a Mercury retrograde, for example (which is common among internet ”magickians”). A planet in retrograde motion can, depending on context and perspective, aid in our work as the weakened expression of a planet’s dignified attributes does not mean that it’s counter-acting Qliphothic emanations are weakened, and in some cases, for example when it comes to egressive forms of communion work, such planetary states can become understood as auspicious from our perspective as the forces naturally in place to put hindrance to such transcendental work are weakened. This goes not only for retrograde motion, but also for other debilitating factors affecting a planet’s expression.

In other words the workings of the Qliphothic Zodiac are not limited to the sephirothic chart, but the latter is observed in order to enhance and structure one’s work in different ways.

(It should also further be underlined that retrograde motion in itself does not make up the whole picture of the status of a planet, and again other astrological factors must be taken into account, studied and contemplated in order to understand and foresee their effects.)

However, even though the Qliphothic forces aren’t weakened because of the debilitation of a planet, the states of the planets still of course have effects in our lives as they are some of the very emanations and upholders of cosmic destiny, archonic forces proper.

Thus, by studying the art of traditional astrology we can foresee specific events and dangers to look out for, and through sorcerous means we may then be able to protect ourselves from the said influences. The same goes for the other way around – if Mars is in a dignified state it can make the effects of martial workings stronger, for even if the source we call upon for such work is an Outer one in Essence beyond cosmic limitations, the manifestations on this side of the Tehiru are still dependent on astrological factors and might increase or decrease accordingly.

One can reach far by choosing the fitting planetary day and hour for a specific work and it is always better to do something compared to doing nothing, but if one studies astrology deeper there are many other factors that one could make use of.

Examining the birth chart in order to overcome and Become

The similar perspective can be assumed when studying one’s own birth chart, which in itself is important to do in order to identify and become able to overcome certain weaknesses in personality which may otherwise block one’s initiatic Becoming.

Also in this case there are two ways of working. For example, if Mercury is well placed and strong in one’s chart, and pointing towards good communication abilities within the individual, there is no point in specifically working against these abilities ”just for the hell of it”, but the better alternative is to make use of these abilities for the greater good of the Work, for example in different forms of writing and other poetic aspects that can be employed for Spiritual ends. This is one aspect of the breaking of cosmic destiny, as the ”gift” given by birth is being used for much loftier goals than it was intended for by archonic decree.

On the other hand, if for example the Ascending sign is a cardinal/moveable one and the Ascendant ruler is also placed in a cardinal sign, it could indicate an unreliable personality that might jeopardize one’s ability to uphold focus upon the work. When such negative traits are identified astrologically, one can contemplate how these specific archonic expressions can become counteracted through the relevant Qliphothic Forces.

The above should be considered as examples only, and obviously there are a lot more to delve into than these two factors.

To contemplate one’s own personality and it’s positive and negative traits is a good preparation before conducting the time consuming work of studying one’s birth chart, wherein the mentioned character traits will show themselves. To study one’s personal birth chart in a detailed manner is also crucial for understanding how the current positions of the planets affect the life of an individual, through the study of the transits/aspects created by the current planetary positions in comparison to one’s birth chart.

Even though it goes without saying it should here be underlined that 99 % of all ”astrologers” active on the internet should be avoided and the best alternative is of course to study the traditional sources available, especially when it comes to the interpretation of charts as the online ”calculators” seldom takes all important aspects into account.

The correct interpretation of birth charts may of course also be helpful when it comes to spell work against others, and while a photo or personal belonging to the target can help create the occult link to him or her, the knowledge of the person’s date and time of birth could further add to the magical results of the work, as one is then able to study the person’s characteristics and weaknesses in a more detailed way through the erecting of a correct chart, and thus also by experience learn how, and above all when, the person in question is best afflicted.

The arts of the Fallen Watchers and the First Blacksmith

Furthermore, the connections between astrology and the Fallen Watchers is of course also of relevance and in the Book of Enoch it is stated that Sariel (”prince of God”) taught men the courses of the moon and that Baraqiel (”lightning of God”) taught astrology.

In my own case this is very relevant, as within my own personal work during the last years I have placed a lot of focus upon workings related to the Hamadryadic Armour sigil, which led me towards certain insights about its connections to the realms and virtues of Tubal Qayin/Azazel, which in turn further led to specific Tubal-Qayin Azazel work proper, and the fact that I later felt the urge and inspiration to start working with the Qliphothic Zodiac and traditional astrology studies I relate to inspiration in Spirit which ”naturally” followed the workings from the Hamadryadic Armour sigil via Azazel and pointing me in this specific direction, thus showing and underlining to me the connections between the Black in Green, the Fallen Watchers and the Sitra Achra.

As a sidenote an interesting finding from the University of Michigan can be mentioned, which is a clay bowl from the 6th or 7 th century AD bearing this inscription which showing how the names of these two Watchers have been used in magical practice:

”… and I wrote all of the curses upon a new bowl of clay and I sent back the curses of those who cursed Negray daughter of Denday to their masters until they release and bless in the name of Sariel the angel and Barakiel the angel and in the name of Sariel and Barakiel you release from the curses of those who curse Negray daughter of Denday as a man is freed from the house of bondage and from the house of weapons.”

Another aspect for contemplation is the connection between astrology and the arts of Tubal Qayin. Tubal Qayin is the First Blacksmith and ”an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron” as well as ”very expert and famous in martial performances, … and first of all invented the art of working brass.” (Antiquities of the Jews).

The metalwork associations given to Tubal Qayin are many and his art connects naturally to that of traditional astrology, of course through the alchemical connections between the seven planets and the metals.

By combining these aspects of wisdom and art we are able to make use of the currents in motion in the heavens ”above” (by astrological studies and interpretation) in our work ”below” by knowing the correct planetary attributes of the metals to be employed and how to employ them, which further shows how the ”fall” of the Watchers grants us sorcerous elevation and addition to the insights taught by Qayin and Q****** about for example the attributes of the elements and spirits of the green kingdom.

Furthermore, in addition to the forging of physical and spiritual weapons and shields, the work of the First Blacksmith can be seen as a metaphor for the shaping of, and dominance over, one’s own destiny, which in turn is similar to what studies and experience in traditional astrology could lead towards. On that same topic, this post ends here with a quote from the legendary manuscript of astrological magic known as The Picatrix:

”By sages, magical images are called talismans, which may be translated ”violators”, because whoever makes an image does so by violence, and makes it by conquering the substance of which it is made.”