Salve Sancta Lusia!

The text at the bottom of this post is an inspired Qayinite rendition of a traditional Lucia song in Swedish.

This reflects an alignment between the name (of the Name) of the Holy Mother as given in KITĀB AL-MAGĀLL and the Fifth Station of the Pesha Line, through which that name becomes a Point of Overtaking, Possession and Exaltation of all of the relevant symbolism associated with Saint Lucia. This Usurpative Perspective and Focus is then further strengthened through the special associations with Lucia within certain aspects of Swedish folklore, within which Lucia have been “confused” with Lilith and is considered to be Adam’s first wife. While that attribution is secondary it does strengthen the links to the Holy Mother’s Luluwa/Lil-Eva aspects, underlining Her linage to be of that of Samael/Ha-Satan and Lilith, as manifested through the Serpent. 
The Lusia name of Her Name becomes as such a point through which many relevant and interesting aspects and forces become aligned in accordance with the Qayinite Line of Sight, through which our Eye can become directed by the Overseeing Spirit of the 2182 Current. The Tradition-Specific form associated with this Lusia aspect of ours places Her primarily within the Gulgaltha Line, while also possessing Luciferic reflections also pertaining to the Line of Aflame Blood and Black Light.

Offerings of certain kinds of bread possessing both solar virtues and ocular symbolism, candles, white flowers, libation and sweet incense are part of Her celebration, and so are rites of necromantic procession through which one join Her company of Faithful Spirits and Ghosts, while encircling the graveyard in prayer. The blessings of our Sancta Lusia all pertain to Light and Sight, and Her curses therefore to Darkness and Blindness. 

May each receive from Her what they deserve.

Hail Sancta Lusia! 

Sankta Lusia, underjordiska hägring,
Sprid i vår vinternatt din Venusiska Fägring.
Dina Korpars vingesus under oss sia,
Tänd dina svarta ljus, Sankta Lusia.

Kom i din vita skrud, väck de döda med din maning.
Skänk oss, du Qayins brud, befrielsens aning.
Dina Korpars vingesus under oss sia,
Upplys oss med dina svarta ljus, Sankta Lusia.

Med Trollsejd och mörkermakt du skapelsen betvingar,
Alla Svarta Flammors Moder, du skydd åt oss bringar.
Dina Korpars vingesus under oss sia,
Rena oss med dina svarta ljus, Sankta Lusia.

Bortom Stjärnor du leda oss, att vägen finna,
Bortom liv och död ta oss, O du Ormens prästinna.
Dina Korpars vingesus under oss sia,
Bränn denna värld med Drakens Svarta Ljus, Sankta Lusia.

De Döda går med tunga steg, runt gård och stuga.
Kring jord frusen och mörk, skuggorna ruva.
Då upp ur Dödens Hus, stiger Hon med tända ljus,
Sankta Lusia, Sankta Lusia.

Natten är stor och stum. Nu, hör, Hennes liar svingar
i alla tysta rum, sus som från Dödskorpens vingar.
Se, på kyrkogårdens tröskel hon står, vitklädd med ljus i hår,
Sankta Lusia, Sankta Lusia.

Det Vita Mörkret skall flykta snart, ur jordens alla dalar.
Då Hon ett Maktens Ord till oss, sina trogna barn, talar.
Som Nattens Sol Hon nu Gry, vacker, stark och fri,
Sankta Lusia, Sankta Lusia.

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